Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Photo Fun

Oy Vey! What a weekend! Pooped is an understatement!! But Oh how fun!!
I'm linking again this week to show you a glimpse into the fun from the view from my phone!

Link Up and Join too!!

Friday was a half day at work for me and I spent my afternoon doing a little shopping!
Would you like to buy me for my birthday??

I did pick up this outfit for a 4th of July Party! Lets see if I have the guts to wear it!!

Friday night, my fabulous family and I went to dinner at a fancy place in Summerville, then the cousins went out dancing! It was a Michael Jackson vs. Prince Tribute night- so that's all that was played all night! LOVED IT!!
My outfit for the night!

Me and little miss! Love her!!

Being silly!!

Umm white face much?! Thank you iPhone flash!

Pretty Sisters!!

Saturday was spent sleeping in and cleaning... more the sleeping than the cleaning! LOL

I rest my case!

Saturday night- It was wedding time!!
Feeling Fabulous that I got into the size I wanted to!

Me and my pretty moma before the hair went to hell in the heat!!

Sweaty girls, but still look fab!!

After the wedding I stopped by VooDoo in WestAsh to wish my sweet friend and sorority sister a Happy Birthday!!
I tired hot mess!!

Wish I could've had some!

It looked delish!

Sunday was a relaxing day by the pool with my family- with no photos snapped until I got home to see our "Moma-Duck" heading back to her babies!!
Any day now we'll have ducklings!!

So cute!!

This girl is so tired from the weekend!
*Must stay awake! Must stay awake! Must stay awake!*


Amy said...

You did have a busy weekend! Hopefully you'll get some sleep!
Btw we don't have Bible Study this week, just FYI

Vicki said...

You're fourth of july outfit looks fabulous! You need to wear it!!!!

Anonymous said...

You look great in that 4th of July outfit! You will rock it.

Unknown said...

You better get it in that red lipstick, girl!!

Showing love from the Phone Photo Fun Hop.

Stacy Kinard said...

Thanks so much!! I'll be rockin that outfit tonight! Thanks loves!!

Savanah said...

I LOVE that blue dress you wore to the wedding!!!

Hello, Again!!

Hey there lovelies! Miss me? HA! JK!! I did miss writing and venting and getting feelings out, hence the reason I'm back. I've ha...