Monday, July 16, 2012

Phone Photo Fun | Weekend Recap

Hey All! Well, whether we liked it or not, Monday came and the weekend went! 
I'm still working on us having a 2-day work week and a 5-day weekend- but the big bosses don't seem to go for it! :-)

Either way I hope you had a fabulous weekend! 
Mine was low-key and fabulous! How I like it! 
I surprisingly, didn't see the beach- I'll hold for you to pick up your jaws.
Linking up again with Savanah and Ashlee!!

After being sick last week, I used Friday to just chillax at home with my furbabies!!
There were no objections from them!!

Sweet babies!! And super spoiled!!

Saturday I slept in- and needed it for reals! :-) Going, going going is fun- but you need that catch up back to reality. 
Mom came over after her morning at work and we headed to the mall for some shopping!! 
My sweet BFF got me a gift card to Belk for my new make-up from Clinique!
So I in turn let them give me a whole make-over! Fun times!!
After I was all dolled up, I got a few new items of clothing and some new shoes! 
I got a cute pair of cowgirl boots I'm going to be wearing Saturday and a little mini-session photo shoot with a friend of mine!! Excited? Yes I am!!
I have a little dream to be a model! Silly and I know will probably never happen- but I can pretend!

After a LOOOONG day of shopping and dinner with mom- I headed home.
Sunday consisted of church, lunch and a movie (Saw the new "Savages"- toooo bloody for this girl!) then it was back to church for Vacation Bible School!!
I am in the nursery again and had one little love all night!!
Heaven? Yes I was!!
I'm excited for VBS all week!!

Now for picture overload!! 
We have had some new arrivals at our house!! 
MomaDuck had her babies!!
I can sit and just watch them! They are BEYOND precious!!
Does anyone know if I can feed them? It's all I can do not to hold them- but I know, I know- I can't!! 

I can't wait to watch them grow!!
I hope they stay around a while!!

How was your weekend??

1 comment:

Savanah said...

oh my gosh, the ducks!! So precious!!!
and my kitties love when I stay home with them too!

Hello, Again!!

Hey there lovelies! Miss me? HA! JK!! I did miss writing and venting and getting feelings out, hence the reason I'm back. I've ha...