Friday, August 31, 2012

Fill In the Blank Friday

Another Link Up!
I'm totally serious!
And yes, I realize this is two posts in one day!
It's OK!

1.  Over this labor day weekend I will be     relaxing!! FO' SHO'! I have a 4 mile run with the Team on Saturday morning and lots of beach and pool time! Maybe I can get in a night out dancing!!   .

2.  With the political debates going on right now, my thoughts are  zzzzz or what's on my DVR b/c I'm not watching this!!    .

3.  Today    I am pooped! But it was so worth it for a great night out!  .
4. The best thing I've cooked recently was    cooking? what's that?? I'm a single girl; post gastric bypass patient- I don't cook! Seriously tho I was super proud of the cake I made for my moms 40th, even if I couldn't eat it!! Oh well, NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels! .

5. The last thing I bought was  lunch? some stuff for my promo gig tonight. I did buy some new Gamecock gear Wednesday night! .

6. The best movie I saw this summer was  "The Dark Knight Rises" was pretty awesome and I saw that most recently. Not the greatest plot line, but I loved "Magic Mike" too!!  .

7.  The best book I read this summer was   Hands down- "50 Shades" Series!! I'm re-reading them!!   .

1 comment:

Kasey said...

happy weekend to you :)

Hello, Again!!

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