Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 on Tuesday {5}

Some randomness in the life of me...

God is Good!
I can't say this enough!
I have really been feeling the many blessings of Him lately.
Not that He isn't always showing His blessings, but we don't always see them.
He has been downright, in my face and I LOVE it!!

I bought a new pair of jeans last week...
They were a size...
Yes- you read that right!
I bought a size 10!!
I can not express how amazing it felt!!
I remember telling my mom when I started this journey of weight loss and a new life that my goal was to wear a size 10. She smiled and said: "that's a great goal, but you should focus on a more realistic one. Go for a 14, that'd be great to see!"
Well, I gracefully reminded her of that when I bought the size 10 and she just smiled and said how proud she was of me- and how sorry she was she doubted I could do it!!! Thanks for being my biggest fan mommy!!

Thunder, Thunder!!
It's a rainy day in Charleston today!!
Makes me want to go home and curl up with a movie!!

Our half-marathon is getting closer and closer!
We start 4 mile runs on Tuesday today!!
We can do it! We can do it!!

Patience... I ain't got it!
But I know it's being worked on within me!!
 *what I REALLY try to do*

I had a doc appt today for a continuing pain where my gallbladder was removed.
They don't know what it is, but want me to keep a log to try and see... It REALLY bothers me when I run- not good!!
They also said my protein was low and I was losing some muscle! #Fail!!
Time to get back to my protein bars!!
Good thing they taste like snickers and Reece's!!

I'm still working on my 30 before 30 list.
I really want them to be things I can achieve!

My dogs are a mess!

They really don't know they are dogs!!
I'm very excited about fall TV shows!!
There's a link up Thursday on this... but just FYI- my DVR is on overdrive!!
It was incredibly hard to think of 10 things today!
Sometimes I am very boring!
(Goofy and Silly- but boring)

1. When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
Call my mom!
She makes everything better!!
When that doesn't work- I shop!!
It's an expensive therapy!!

2. If you had to live in a different time period which would you prefer?
The 70s!
I would love to run around in hippy clothes!
I would be such a flower power chick!!

3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?
Probably one my mom made as a child.
I was the little mermaid with a tail and seashells and felt so pretty!!
As an adult I haven't had that many cute ones...
I plan to change that this year!!

4. Five weird things about you we wouldn't know without being told?
1- I like things to be in increments of "5". When I get gas or turn the volume up, I like the number to end in a "0" or a "5"!
2- I HATE when I don't hear back from someone! My mind wanders to the worst possible option and I freak out!
3- I like pickle juice!
4- I cry when I get really mad!!
5- I have crooked toes and my BFFs make fun of me about them!!

5. What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
Be yourself!
You are a gift to God and know He's got a plan for you!
Go to CofC right out of high school and don't take out student loans!
Your mom will become your best friend, so be easy on her now!
Don't worry that you aren't doing what everyone else is-
it's not that great to be in that crowd for those reasons!!
Calm down- life is only getting better!!

1 comment:

sunshine said...

What a great post! I haven't been reading "you" much but I love how positive you always are and specially your love and relationship with God!

And congrats on the jean size 10, way to go girl, keep it up - or should I say down?!?

Have a wonderful day!!!

Hello, Again!!

Hey there lovelies! Miss me? HA! JK!! I did miss writing and venting and getting feelings out, hence the reason I'm back. I've ha...