Wednesday, October 3, 2012

So What... I'm Loving and 31 Days (Day 3)

So What Wednesday
Happy Hump Day!!
It's one of those "can't wipe the smile off my face" kinda days!!
I got super, awesome amazing news yesterday and I can finally share!!!

Without going into all the details b/c not all can be shared, after 3 years of working with my team-
I am officially a government employee as of 10/22/12!!
This is such an honor and I've worked very hard for it!
The first thing I thought of was this man:

I hope you are looking down and smiling Papa!!
I'll be thinking of you on my first day!

So What if it's still 2 days away... I'm LOVING that I get to spend the weekend in Cola!!

So What if it's going to be a tough game... I'm LOVING my Gamecocks and believe we can pull off a W!

So What if it's a lil short... I'm LOVING my outfit for Saturday!

So What if I'm combining some posts... I'm LOVING these 31 Days of my Favorite Sayings

"You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name." John 15:16

I found this fitting today. Knowing I was chosen for something bigger than I can imagine!
I would have NEVER thought this was the path my life would take- but I wouldn't change it for the world!!


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Hello, Again!!

Hey there lovelies! Miss me? HA! JK!! I did miss writing and venting and getting feelings out, hence the reason I'm back. I've ha...